9 Incredibly Beautiful Places Where You Can Live Ridiculously Cheap

Average Monthly Rent (1 Bedroom): $320
Average Monthly Utilities: $120
Even though it’s the largest country in Central America, it’s not any bigger than Tennessee but its warm people will make you smile. Mayan ruins, gorgeous volcanoes, jungles, and beaches will make you wonder why you didn’t come sooner, plus living and food will cost you under $500 and a monthly transportation pass is only $20.

Average Monthly Rent (1 Bedroom): $223
Average Monthly Utilities: $50
Malaysia is mixed with Malay, Indian, Arabic, Chinese, European, and Peranakan cultures and its landscape is filled with beautiful temples, churches, mosques, and stunning historic monuments. A 6-hour train ride from Kuala Lumpur will take you to Singapore for only $20. And if the city gets too busy for you, escape to Taman Negara, the oldest rainforest on the planet.
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