The 16 Best Funny News Bloopers That Have Ever Happened

Look at the road!

Look at the road!
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Some times the background is the most interesting part of the shot. The reporter seems to be doing a good job presenting a story that seems otherwise boring.

 Luckily to her and her viewers, the story gets a lot more interesting thanks to a bicyclist who deosn’t seem to be very good at riding bike when it comes to approaching sidewalks. That probably hurt a lot. At least, it spices up the report. They should’ve given him a gift for that.

Did you just see that too?

Did you just see that too?
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The interview? Who cares. The interesting stuff is happening in the background again. Yes, maybe it’s polite to catch a ball when someone throws it at you but it’s not very polite to drop your own baby. It’s hard to even comment on the situation, he dropped his baby head first on the ground, all is said.

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