15 Funniest Comebacs from Friends of All Time

Dealing with people can be tough. Sometimes they act stupid, ignorant and just don't seem to get it no matter what you say to them. Even your friends can get on your nerves sometimes. The best solution? Humor. Take these hilarious comebacks from the cult show "Friends" and use them for any life situation. You are welcome.

When Your Friends Just Don't Get It

When Your Friends Just Don't Get It
Image Source: buzzfed.com

Sometimes your friends don't understand that you are just not as rich as they are. Or at least not "ponies and gold" rich.

When Your Friends Try to Find Excuses

When Your Friends Try to Find Excuses
Image Source: buzzfed.com

Sure it does, Monica. But so does the constant munching. Chandler counteracts Monica's weak argument with this funny comeback.

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