15 Hygiene Practices of The Middle Ages That Might Make You A Bit Nauseous

Privies and Garderobe

Privies and Garderobe
Image Source: lifebuzz.com

In Tudor houses, the toilet looked more like a bowl with a slab of wood with a hole. The toilet was placed in a cupboard-like area that was called garderobe. In castles things were different, though. A piece of wood covered a hole in the floor. The waste went straight into the moat.

Poor people didn't have that kind of fancy toilets. They did their business wherever they could and just buried the excrements.

A change of clothes? No, thank you.

A change of clothes? No, thank you.
Image Source: lifebuzz.com

King James VI of Scotland wore the same clothes for months. He even slept in them!

The Kin also kept the same hat on his head for 24 hours a day until it became completely unwearable. He also didn’t take baths because he considered tit bad for his health.

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