6 Strange Facts About Dreams
Dream Cheater

Studies show that the most common dream is that your spouse is cheating on you yet it is important to keep in mind you’re probably not having a premonition because the most likely cause is actually a general feeling of being shortchanged. The good news is your spouse probably isn’t having an affair, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem because a cheating dream usually indicates that your partner is preoccupied with work or other matters and you’re upset that he isn’t spending enough time with you. There could also be deeper issues such as your own feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
Reruns Are A Dream

Recurring dreams can have special meaning for us. Some of the common themes in recurring dreams involve being attacked, being naked in public or running late for an important appointment. In various ways these themes are believed to express unresolved conflicts and fears the dreamer is trying to overcome in his waking life. The dream state provides a mechanism to revisit the problems at the subconscious level free of the usual rationalizations and excuses we normally use. The problem could be from your past, present or even something you’re anticipating in the future. The dream can repeat itself periodically for years until the underlying conflict is actually addressed.
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