The Most Disgraceful Things All Women Do That Would Never Be Admitted In Real Life
Always classy, never trashy, just a little nasty. That's us, beautiful ladies!
But what happens when we go back to being a human for a split second is beyond disturbing.
Turning Your Underwear Inside Out to Avoid Doing Laundry
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What's wrong? There are so many much more important things to do in life than dirty laundry. This method delays the disliked process for one day, which is just so pleasing. And it follows the rule of not wearing the dirty side twice in a row, so all good.
Popping Your Own or Your Friend's Pimples and Totally Loving it
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Ohhh, that sweet taste of a major achievement when the contents of your pimple splash on the mirror.
It may be illegal to show your face in public afterwards but hey, it's totally worth it.
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